Monday 24 September 2012

The Cookies That Had Gone Wrong

So just a little story to start off with.  For the last two weeks I have been craving chocolate chip cookies and I'm not sure what had first started this obsession.  Anyways I decied that I would be nice enough (I know how humble of me to say that) to make them and bring them to a missionary friend's house.  So their were two varibles that would make or break this recipe: the fact that I was using this fake margarine called Blue Band and the fact that I had this different kind of brown sugar that looked like white sugar but in a brown form.  So that is what I had to work with.  Well I went for it and just prayed because I really wanted Chocolate Chip Cookies, oh did I ever.  Well the batter did look kind of funny but it didn't taste too bad considering I suffocated it with chocolate chips.  The issue was that it would cook around the edges but wouldn't cook in the middle.  It was so sad; I had to throw them all out.

I am pretty  tired right now and have some company over but I promise to write again this week. 


  1. lol Im so sorry about your cookie dilemna...<3

  2. Haha thats what I always had to bake with in Uganda! I'm surprised that you even found chocolate chips! It's true that that Blue Band stuff is weird. Never try the 'light' version either because we found out the hard way that it doesn't even melt lol. I should get some of my friends in Uganda to send you some Africa-proof recipes.
