Saturday 6 April 2013

Home Once Again.

Hello Everybody,

So sorry I haven't been to faithful to my writing lately. To be honest I have been trying to put it off for a long time. Ever since I have been back I have had a hard time expressing my feelings about the experiences I have had those six months I was away. Maybe I'm not sure what people expect me to say or maybe I'm not sure how to sum it up in just 5 sentences like people expect me to. I know one thing people have been totally amazing since I have come back. I am surprised and amazed on the amount of support I had when I was away. So many people told me that they were praying for me while I was away and I'm sure I felt it. I am so sorry if I have not touched base with everyone yet as I am still trying to get back into the swing of things.

Many missionaries have told  me that transitioning back into your culture is quite difficult but I thankfully have not felt that way. Maybe it helped that when I got back I had to work on a major research project of the kabary-Malagasy speech making. That kept me busy for at least two weeks. I was able to reflect on the culture through this paper in ways that I could not express in words out loud. If anyone wants a copy of it just email me and I will send it to you. I was also able to spend a little time at my grandparents house and they seemed to quite enjoy hearing about some of the differences of Malagasy culture and Canadian culture. I can express my words better if people ask specific questions instead of general questions like, 'tell me about Malagasy culture'. And I'm thinking 'oh man where do I begin'. I was also afraid to talk to people about my trip because I thought people would expect me to tell them what I all achieved while being there. I felt like this trip was like a trail and error kind of thing. I didn't know where God wanted me to use my talents or what that would look like for me. I just knew I had to try and get my feet wet one way or another. The good thing is that AIM gave me a ministry to focus on but I also had time to explore other ministries on weekends. The point is I don't think I accomplished anything actually but what God accomplished well words can't even express. I think more than anything God worked through my heart; showed me my sins, my weaknesses, and my dependence on him. He definatly confirmed my call to be a missionary even through during the most difficult moments of my time. I am sorry if this bog is a little on the choppy side; I guess all my thoughts are scattered inside my head. Thanks for reading my blog while I was away; it really feels like all of you shared in my journey with me. Praise the Lord for all he has done and will do to come!